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Gordon Research Conference on RNA nanotechnology. Ebbe contributes an invited talk.
Ebbe contributes a keynote talk on the topic "RNA origami robots: Genetically expressible nanodevices that can sense, compute, and actuate".
DNA30 will be held in person at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, the United States) on September 16-20.
FNANO 2024, Snowbird, Utah
Nicolas Schabanel, who has developed the ENSnano software to design 3D DNA nanostructures, is visiting the ESA lab in November. During this time we…
Ebbe will be attending SBA in Perth, where he will be giving a key-note talk.
DNA and RNA Origami Symposium in Perth, Australia.
Callum J. Siegmund, who is a bio/nano- artist, will visit the lab and give a talk on "DNA Nanobots and the Phallibility of Public Biosecurity"
Ebbe will be giving a short talk on cryo-EM of RNA structures.
Nikolaj and Martin will attend the iNANO autumn school at Fuglsø.
As a start of the PhD school we will have an outreach lecture by Professor Sonia Contera from Oxford University followed by a "design thinking"…
Emil and Nikolaj will attend the CryoNET meeting in Stockholm. Emil will be giving a talk on cryo-EM of RNA polymerase ribozymes and their substrates.
Mohammed Dalawi will defend his Masters thesis. Opponent will be Associate Professor Jeppe Vinther from Copenhagen University.
Bente will be attending the 2023 Aptamers conference in Oxford.
Ebbe will be attending the Engineering Life conference in Munich and will be giving a keynote talk on the 16th of March 2023. Organized by Christoph…
Martin will defend the Part A for his PhD project on RNA-based platform for metabolic pathway engineering.
Nestor and Martin will be joining the RNA Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California.
Bente will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Development of fluorescent sensors for high-throughput screening of yeast production strains in droplets”…
We will participate in a Dagstuhl Seminar on the rational design of RiboNucleic Acids.
Adrien, Néstor, Ebbe, Bente and Laura is attending the DHL race.
Artificial biology is an exciting, fundamental discipline that aims to mimic and/or reconstruct the structure and the function of native biomolecules…
Ebbe will be teaching a seminar on RNA origami in Munich hosted by Engineering Life.
Kalinka will defend her Master thesis on controlled assembly of theophylline-responsive RNA origamis.
Ewan is attending and presenting a poster at the 2022 RNA conference in Boulder, Colorado, hosted by RNA society.
George, Michael and Martin participate in the conference on Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design in Washington, USA.
We will participate in the online conference. Ewan is giving a talk and Ebbe is participating.
Ebbe gives a talk on "RNA robotics" at the Molecular Cybernetics Workshop in Japan.
Nestor will defend his thesis on “RNA-Based Robotic Modules”. Opponents are Kiril Afonin, Jeppe Vinther. PhD school chair, Ken Howard.
Ebbe will be giving an online seminar on our RNA origami research at the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Adrien, Ewan, Bente, Xialin and Ebbe will run this year.
Cody will give a talk on RNA origami at 3M-NANO - the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the…
Ebbe is contributing a talk on RNA origami at the Entanglement workshop at University of Warsaw (online).
Michael will defend his PhD thesis on "Engineering RNA-Protein Nanoscaffolds for Synthetic Biology". Opponents are Associate Professor Elisa Franco,…
Adrien and Bente are joining the Aptamers conference in Oxford virtually.
Nestor and Ebbe are attending the FNANO conference and DNA robotics meeting.
The iNano annual meeting 2021 will take place online. The invited speakers are Pr. Ben Feringa (University of Groningen), Pr Marileen Dogterom…
Ebbe is involved in organizing the opening of EMBION (The Danish National Cryo-EM Facility) and the 2-days CryoNET (Nordic network in Cryo-electron…
Cody is program chair for the DNA26 conference to be held at University of Oxford. Ebbe is on the programme committee. The conference will take place…
Poster Day where the research groups associated with the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics presents their research to prospective students.
Bente will present her progress report and receive feedback from external evaluator Michael Lisby, internal evaluator Jørgen Kjems, co-supervisor Vera…
Ebbe will give a talk at the Annual Meeting of the Danish RNA Society
Nestor will participate in the Stockholm summer school.
ST Summer Hangout is an annual event held by Science and Technology (Aarhus University), where colleagues from all of ST compete against each other in…
The lab is participating in the 5x5 km relay race in Mindeparken.
In the beginning of August, Cody will attend DNA25, which is a conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming held at the University of…
Ewan and Ebbe will join the annual meeting for the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Cody is giving a talk at the MPP: Molecular Programming Project meeting at Caltech
For this years conference on Aptamers in Bordeaux, Adrien and Bente will attend. Aptamers in Bordeaux is an international conference on Aptamer…
On the 23rd of June, George, Ilenia, Guido, and Michael will attend the Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) conference in New…
This years Lab BBQ will be held on the 17th of June. It is a recurrent event of our group held in the iNANO terrace and includes a large barbecue,…
Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: from algorithmic design to biochemical applications. The workshop brings together scientists working on various aspects…
Ane Andreassen will defend her PhD thesis. Opponents are Assoc. Prof. Peter Askjaer, Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology, Pablo de Olavide…
In January 2019 several members of the lab will be joining the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on RNA nanotechnology. The conference takes place…
Michael Nguyen will present his PhD progress report. Evaluators will be Senior Researcher Morten Nørholm from DTU and PhD school chair Prof. Jørgen…
Ebbe is opponent at a PhD defense at the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland. Dominika…
The exhibition "Videnskab er lidenskab" opens in relation to the 100 year birthday of late Nobel Laureate Jens Christian Skou (1918-2018). Our lab has…
We are joining the 1st annual CryoNET Symposium in Copenhagen.
Student/Research Group Matchmaking Event. The purpose of the event is for the students to gain insight into the research and activities of the…
Joining the ST summer event with sport competitions a.o.
We will participate in the 5 x 5 km relay race in Mindeparken.
We will join the workshop on Imagining the Future of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks, where we work with Webstrates & Codestrates technologies.
Mads Jeppesen is defending his Masters Thesis on de novo protein design. The project is made as a collaboration with Prof. Daniel Otzen, Per Junior…
We are attending the SEED 2018 conference to present our work on applying RNA origami for synthetic biology applications. The conference takes place…
We are using electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN) in our lab and have been part of a network testing ELN systems. On April 13 we join the Workshop on…
2-day trip planned.
Maria Jensen will defend her MSc thesis. Evaluators will be Assoc. Prof. Birte Vester from University of Southern Denmark and Assoc. Prof. Ebbe Sloth…
Members of the Andersen lab will be attending DNATEC17 in Dresden.
Ane Andreassen will present her PhD progress report. Evaluators will be Assoc. Prof. Sine Lo Svenningsen from Copenhagen University and PhD school…
Steffen Lynge Sparvath will defend his PhD thesis "RNA Origami – Developing Cotranscriptionally Folded RNA Nanostructures for in vivo Applications".…
At the Festival of Research we are presenting 3D DNA origami models for the public and Michael from the group is giving a speed talk on DIY biology.
Ditte Høyer Engholm will defend her PhD thesis "Visual Review of the Human Pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae". The opponents are the pneumococcus…
Thursday 17 November 2016 at 09:15 in Aud. G2 (1532-122)
Title: Controlling Enzymes with a DNA Nano-Vault
Professor William M. Shih will be visiting Center for DNA Nanotechnology and he will give a Specialized iNANO Lecture on Wednesday, Nov 16, at 14:15…
Animation in Chimera.