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Today is Steffen's last day in our group. He has been in the group since 2010 when he did his Bachelor's project. He did his Ph.D. in our group and…
Hans Christian Høiberg and Steffen M. Sparvath have published their work on an RNA origami with intrinsic siRNAs in Biotechnology Journal. The project…
Denis Selnihhin has published his work on a Multifluorophore DNA Origami Sensor in ACS Nano.
We are looking for an expert to join a new research project on RNA-protein nanostructures for synthetic biology. The position is a 1-year postdoctoral…
Ilenia Manuguerra has been hired for a period of 1.5 years for working on the RNA biosensor project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Thom and his students Pedro and Matt have been visiting us this summer in May/June to work on collaboration projects.
We have a PhD position available on RNA robotics with application deadline on May 1, 2018. The PhD position is part of an European PhD school on…