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We are seeking an expert to work on RNA-based biosensors for applications in metabolic engineering - a project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.…
Andreas Bøggild has been hired for working on cryo-EM characterization of RNA origami structures for a period of 3 years.
News on the iNANO website about the DNA-Robotics PhD school that we are part of. The PhD school is organized by Kurt Gothelf and funded by the…
Ebbe S. Andersen gives talk on "Design of biomolecules and nanorobots" on February 6, 2018 at the Public Science Talks arranged by the Faculty of…
In February 2018 a new bachelor course on Biomolecules in Nanoscience has been initiated. The course is organized by Daniel Otzen and Ebbe S.…
Mette D. E. Jepsen gives a short introduction to her study on RNA-based apta-FRET devices and their potential future applications. The highlight is…
Mette D. E. Jepsen and Steffen M. Sparvath have published their work on an RNA aptamer-based FRET system in Nature Communications.
News story about the DNA vault paper by Peter Gammelby published in Rømer.
Guido Grossi publishes a review in MRS Bulletin on DNA nanostructures and their use in organizing and controlling enzymes.
Ebbe Sloth Andersen publishes a review in MRS Bulletin on the prospects and difficulties of engineering RNA nanostructures.
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